view our collections to find which one is the best fit for you! each collection includes a styling consultation, access to my client closet, optional hair and makeup arrangements, and an ordering appointment.


Book your session

investment begins at $2,100

package includes:

il bambino

investment begins at $975

package includes:


+ 1 hour session *up to 2.5 hours for newborns*

+ 50 high resolution digital files

+ 25 4x6 prints OR announcement cards 

investment begins at $750

package includes:


+ 1 hour session *up to 2.5 hours for newborns*

+ 75 high resolution digital files

+ 10x10 album with 15 images or $200 print credit 

+ 3 sessions to be used within 18 months

+ 50 high resolution digital files in each gallery

+ 25 4x6 prints OR announcement cards with each session

+ 20% off print and album orders